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Augustus / August 2004 Vol. 2 No. 3
Highlights from the 2003 Annual Report
GetWise@URLibrary 16 - 20 Augustus New remarkable book about Muhammad Ali Deputy Director speaks in Ukraine and Poland Ontmoet nuwe personeel by Biblioteekdiens Did you know?
Biblioteekpersoneel by konferensies en werkswinkels
With so much information now online, it is exceptionally easy to simply dive in and drown - Alfred Glossbrenner
Hoogtepunte uit die 2003 Jaarverslag
GetWise@URLibrary 16 - 20 August Boekverkoping in September Biblioteekdiens lei argiveringsprojek in SA Multimedia CD ROMs at JS Gericke Library Het jy geweet? Olimpiese Spele uitstalling
US Biblioteekdiens SU Library Service Ons verbintenis tot uitnemendheid open deure na kennis / Our commitment to excellence opens gateways to knowledge
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