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Deputy Director speaks in Ukraine and Poland


Johan Engelbrecht delivering a paper at the "Crimea 2004" conference in Ukraine

Johan Engelbrecht, Deputy Director of the Library Service,  recently delivered a paper titled "The changing of the guard or: moving from paper to "E" with a new financial model" at conferences in both the Ukraine and Poland.

The paper was first delivered at the 25th Annual International Association of Technological University Libraries (IATUL) conference in Cracow, Poland on 3 June and the same paper was then delivered at the "Crimea 2004" Eleventh International Conference on 9 June. 

The paper delivered at the "Crimea 2004" conference was simultaneously translated into Russian to an audience of approximately 500 people.

Johan presented the paper in the form of a case study of how the 2004/2005 library budget at the University of Stellenbosch was addressed.   The paper describes the financial model of "Responsibility Centre Management (RCM)" and the concurrent project of moving away from printed journals to full-text electronic journals and a pay-per-view document delivery process.  The involvement of the faculties in this process is also described and some of the initial outcomes of the two projects are presented.

Both the Powerpoint presentation and the complete paper in PDF format (28 KB) are available for further information.

The image (right) is the name tag that Johan wore at the "Crimea 2004" conference and on which his name is translated into Russian.

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