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The Library and Information Service takes
great pleasure in inviting students and staff to a Library Digital Fair
in the JS Gericke Library on Friday 25 July 2014. The aim of the Fair is
to introduce Stellenbosch University students and staff to the
cutting-edge electronic resources that are available to them via the
Library - on and off campus.
There will be kiosks with displays and demonstrations which anyone can
visit throughout the day. Vendors such as Elsevier (Science Direct,
Scopus, Mendeley), Thomson Reuters (Web of Science), InetBFA, Ebsco,
LexisNexis and Juta will be here to show users how to access and
optimally use their databases, e-journals and e-books on mobile devices,
and to answer any questions you may have about their products.
And of course there will be PRIZES TO BE WON!
Visit any of the stalls, take part in our mobile website survey and get
a voucher for free coffee or tea and a doughnut from DCM! There will
also be a lucky draw with a number of great prizes.
Date: Friday 25 July 2014
Time: 9:00 – 16:00
Venue: JS Gericke Library
Enquiries: Naomi Visser at
nrv@sun.ac.za or 021 808 4433
Naomi Visser
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Die Biblioteek- en Inligtingsdiens nooi
vriendelik uit na ’n Biblioteek Digitale Fees op Vrydag 25 Julie 2014 in
die JS Gericke Biblioteek. Die doel van die Fees is om studente en
personeel van die Universiteit Stellenbosch bekend te stel aan die
voorpunt- elektroniese bronne wat via die Biblioteek tot hul beskikking
is – op en weg van die kampus.
Op die dag gaan daar stalletjies met uitstallings en demonstrasies in
die JS Gericke Biblioteek wees waar verskaffers soos Elsevier (Science
Direct, Scopus, Mendeley), Thomson Reuters (Web of Science), InetBFA,
Ebsco, LexisNexis en Juta gebruikers gaan wys hoe om hul databasisse,
e-tydskrifte en e-boeke optimaal te benut, veral op mobiele toestelle.
Hulle sal ook enige vrae wat jy oor hul produkte het, beantwoord.
En natuurlik is daar PRYSE OM TE WEN!
Besoek die stalletjies, neem deel aan ’n opname oor ons mobiele webblad
en kry ’n bewys vir gratis koffie en ’n doughnut by DCM! Daar gaan ook
’n gelukkige trekking wees vir ’n paar lekker pryse.
Datum: Vrydag 25 Julie 2014
Tyd: 9:00 – 16:00
Venue: JS Gericke Biblioteek
Navrae: Naomi Visser by
nrv@sun.ac.za of 021 808 4433
Naomi Visser
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