SUNScholar Ranked first
in Africa
Sien Afrikaans onder
Stellenbosch University’s Institutional Repository,
SUNScholar, has recently reached
the number one position in Africa in the 2016 July edition of the
ranking of open access repositories. The ranking is performed by “The
Ranking Web of World Repositories”. SUNScholar is managed by the
Library and Information Service at Stellenbosch University. Not only
does the repository hold first position on the continent, but it
occupies an overall
84th position
worldwide among 2275 repositories. In the ‘instutitional
respositories (IR) only’ ranking, SUNScholar comes in at
68th position.
Professor Eugene Cloete, Vice-Rector: Research, Innovation and
Postgraduate Studies, says “The achievement of the Library and
Information Service in strengthening and developing SUNScholar is
significant. This achievement supports Stellenbosch University’s
commitment to Open Access to scientific information and the promotion of
research output and innovation as a central goal of Research, Innovation
and Postgraduate Studies.”
The aim of SUNScholar is to improve the visibility and access to
Stellenbosch University’s research output. Research outcomes are openly
shared with the rest of the world, as well as preserved in a central
archive. “Achieving this number one ranking is indeed proof that SU
research output is shared with as wide an audience as possible and that
African research is increasingly accessible globally”, says Ellen Tise,
Senior Director of the Library and Information Service.
The aim of the Ranking Web of World Repositories is “to support Open
Access initiatives and therefore the free access to scientific
publications in an electronic form and to other academic material. The
web indicators are used here to measure the global visibility and impact
of the scientific repositories”*. The Ranking considers specific
criteria when assessing repositories. These include size, visibility,
rich files and scholar. The “scholar” criterion refers to the total
number of items from the repository obtained from Google Scholar.
For more information, contact Mimi
* Ranking
Web of Repositories. 2016.
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SUNScholar eerste op
Afrika ranglys
SUNScholar, die institusionele
bewaarplek van die Universiteit Stellenbosch, het pas die eerste posisie
in Afrika behaal volgens die Julie 2016 uitgawe van die wêreld ranglys
van oop toegang navorsingsbewaarplekke. Die rangorde word bepaal deur
die “Ranking Web of
World Repositories”. SUNScholar word bestuur deur die Biblioteek- en
Inligtingsdiens. Die institusionele bewaarplek beklee nie slegs die
eerste posisie op die kontinent nie, maar ook die
84ste posisie
wêreldwyd uit ‘n totaal van 2275 bewaarplekke. In die sogenaamede
“institutional repositories (IR) only ranking” beklee SUNScholar die
68ste posisie.
Professor Eugene Cloete, Viserektor: Navorsing, Innovasie en Nagraadse
Studies het die volgende genoem: “Hierdie prestasie van Biblioteek- en
Inligtingsdiens in terme van die opbou en ontwikkeling van SUNScholar is
belangrik. Dit ondersteun die Universiteit Stellenbosch se verbintenis
tot Oop Toegang tot wetenskaplike inligting en die bevordering van
navorsingsuitsette en innovasie as sentrale doelwitte van Navorsing,
Innovasie en Nagraadse Studies”.
Die doel van SUNScholar is om die sigbaarheid van, en toegang tot,
Stellenbosch Universiteit navorsingsuitsette te bevorder.
Navorsingsuitsette word openlik met die res van die wêreld gedeel en
terselfdertyd bewaar in ‘n sentrale argief. Volgens Ellen Tise, Senior
Direkteur van die Biblioteek- en Inlingtingsdiens is “die behaal van die
eerste posisie op die wêreld ranglys bewys dat US navorsingsuitsette met
die wydste gehoor moontlik gedeel word en dat Afrika navorsing al hoe
meer globaal toeganklik is”.
Die doel van die “Ranking Web of World Repositories” is om Oop Toegang
inisiatiewe te ondersteun en gratis toegang tot wetenskaplike
publikasies in elektroniese formaat en ander akademiese materiaal te
bevorder. Die indikatore wat hul gebruik meet die globale sigbaarheid en
impak van institutuionele bewaarplekke. Verskeie kriteria word in ag
geneem wanneer bewaarplekke gemeet word, onder andere grootte,
sigbaarheid, inhoud en die sogenoemde “scholar” kriterium. Laasgenoemde
verwys na die totale getal items van die bewaarplek wat binne Google
Scholar gevind kan word.
Vir meer inligting, kontak Mimi
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