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The Library and Information Service
collected children's books during Library Week (March) in answer to a
NekNomination by the Postgraduate and International Office. Staff and
students donated books to the JS Gericke Library and some of the branch
libraries. The
collected books were donated to Babin Pre-primary School and Rietenbosch
Primary School.
Library wishes to thank everyone who contributed to this
successful project.
Young learners from Babin Pre-primary
School in Banhoekweg walked to the JS Gericke Library on 27 May to thank
the library staff for the books they donated. As the resource centre of
the school is dependent on donations, the books really mean a lot to
them. They also handed over a thank you card to Ms Ellen Tise, Senior
Director of the Library and information Service.
The video for the NekNomination is
available on
Marié Roux
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Learners and teachers
from Babin Pre-primary school with Ms Ellen Tise (middle)
Die Biblioteek- en Inligtingsdiens het
tydens Biblioteekweek (Maart) kinderboeke bymekaargemaak in reaksie op
'n NekNominasie deur die Nagraadse en Internasionale Kantoor. Personeel
en studente het skenkings ingehandig by die JS Gerice Biblioteek en
sommige Takbiblitoeke. Die boeke
is geskenk aan Babin Pre-primêre Skool en Rietenbosch Laerskool. Die
Biblioteek wil graag almal van harte bedank wat bygedra het tot hierdie
suksesvolle projek.
Jong leerders van Babin Pre-primêre Skool
in Banhoekweg het op 27 Mei na die Biblioteek geloop om
Biblioteekpersoneel te bedank vir die boeke wat geskenk is. Aangesien
die hulpbronnesentrum van die skool afhanklik is van donasies, beteken
die boeke ongelooflik baie vir hulle. Hulle het ook 'n kaartjie
oorhandig aan Me Ellen Tise, Senior Direkteur van die Biblioteek- en
Inligtingsdiens, om dankie te sê.
Die video vir die NekNominasie is
beskikbaar op
Marié Roux
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