| A particularly valuable, rich and unique
manuscript collection has recently been donated to Stellenbosch University
Library and Information Service. The Maguire San Ethnobotanical
Collection consists of data collected by Mr Brian Maguire and his wife,
Dr Judy Maguire between 1954 and 1975 in close collaboration San communities (!Kung,
Haillom, lXoo, and Naro) in the Kalahari.
A significant portion of the physical
collection has been digitized and these digital records are being made openly
available for research purposes on the Library’s Digital Heritage Repository,
SUNDigital Collections at https://digital.lib.sun.ac.za/handle/10019.2/15524.
The collection, consisting of manuscripts,
typescripts, sketches, diagrams, photographic prints, black and white
negatives, colour slides, field notebooks and plant collection registers, is of
great scientific, research, national and heritage importance. It was the wish
of the late Mr Maguire and is still the wish of Dr Judy Maguire that the
collection becomes a usable resource which can be shared with younger generations.
It offers the opportunity to learn from our forefathers about the sustainable
use our indigenous plants in an African context. |