Dear Readers
With this
issue of Bibnuus we are sharing, once again, some newsworthy items on
developments and activities at the Library with you. We also invite you to
share your viewpoints and suggestions about the Library with us by means
of the Library's new blog,
Schoombee (Editor)
New staff
Ms Sarah Kibirige has
been appointed Assistant Director: Technical services and Electronic
Resource Management at the Library and Information Service as from 6 August. Ms Kibirige was previously the
Campus Librarian of Monash University, South Africa in Roodepoort.
Before that she held various positions, inter alia Acting Deputy
University Librarian: Technical Services, Acting University Librarian and
Senior Librarian: Technical Services at the University of the North West.
Extended hours continued at the Health Sciences Library
Extended hours
at the Health Sciences Library will continue until 20 November 2007. The
hours are as follows:
Mon - Th |
08:00 - 20:00 |
Fri |
08:00 - 18:00 |
Sat |
10:00 - 13:00 |

In the photo
(above) Johan Engelbrecht receives a gift from Elda Nolte (Assistant
Director: Client services)
Mr Johan
Engelbrecht, Deputy Director of the Library and Information Service, took
early retirement at the end of July this year. He had been with the
Library close on 25 years and served 23 years as Deputy Director.
Johan made a substantial professional contribution during his long tenure
at the Library. He leaves behind deep footprints as well as many
friends and acquaintances at both the Library and the University.
With deep appreciation we wish him the very best for the future as well as
for the new professional challenge he will be undertaking abroad.
Open Day

Schaafsma and Marié Roux in conversation with prospective students at the
Library's Open Day booth
The Library's
information booth at the University's Open Day, held on 4 August,
was a first. Brochures, water bottles and pens were distributed to
those interested and a continuous Powerpoint slideshow depicted the
Library and its various activities. It was an excellent opportunity to
create awareness for the library's services and facilities and to
accentuate its accessibility. We look forward to next year and the
opportunity to project the Library's image even stronger to potential
students of the University.
New books

New books are exhibited each week, for the
duration of one week, in the JS Gericke Library (to the right of
the Library entrance, close to the newspaper tables). The books
may be
viewed and reserved at the Circulation Desk and are made available
for loan the following week.
Have your say -
make a suggestion or
drop a hint on
Ms Ellen Tise
elected President-elect of IFLA
The election of
Ms Ellen Tise, Senior Director: Library and Information Services, as President-elect of
the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), in June this year, is regarded a special honour for the
SU Library and Information Service and for the South African library
fraternity as a whole. IFLA is the leading international body
representing the interests of library and information services and their
clients worldwide. Ms Tise will serve in this position for the period 2007 to 2009
after which she will automatically serve as President for the period 2009
to 2011.
It is an
exceptional achievement as this office is regarded as the highest position
in the library profession. Our heartfelt congratulations and best
wishes go to Ms Tise for the task that lies ahead.
the Library's
news webpage.
access to electronic resources improved
Access to
electronic resources from the Library homepage has been improved by
the disposing of separate webpages for on-campus and off-campus clients.
There is now
only one list for
e-journals and
e-books and e-reference works respectively. The links on these
pages provide access for both on-campus and off-campus clients.
After selecting
a specific database off-campus
clients will merely be prompted for their SU campus network or portal
username and password in order to proceed.
Multiple access to electronic databases
Use of the search
engine, Metalib, which provides multiple access to the Library's
electronic databases, by Library clients is currently actively being promoted and encouraged.
Metalib, introduced earlier this year, is a search engine that facilitates
searching for information in various databases simultaneously. The
search engine is used in conjunction with SFX which provides access to
full-text information.
To promote the
use of Metalib the Library offers training in the use of the search
engine on a one to one basis between August and October 2007.
An individual
training session lasts approximately 15 minutes. Please contact a
faculty or branch librarian to make an appointment.
Presentation of the JJ Smith catalogue

Library and Information Service recently celebrated the completion of the
JJ Smith catalogue in the Manuscripts Section of the JS Gericke Library.
The very valuable JJ Smith collection was donated to the Manuscripts
Section by the Smith family in 2000.
JJ Smith (1883-1949) became the first editor of the Afrikaans dictionary,
Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal, in 1926. He was an exceptional
linguist who left a lasting impression on the history of the
Stellenbosch University, as well as the press in South Africa (Nasionale Pers). He
was also the first professor in Afrikaans and Dutch at the
Stellenbosch University in 1919 and first editor of the Afrikaans magazine, Die
Huisgenoot. He will be remembered for his significant contribution to the
development of the Afrikaans language.
Generous grants from the Louis Hiemstra Trust and Naspers enabled the
staff of the Manuscripts Section to undertake the task of cataloguing the
collection. The collection spans 7,2 meters shelf space and contains
amongst others, correspondence with peers, family correspondence,
manuscripts, articles, notebooks, speeches and radio talks. The collection
is now completely described, catalogued and indexed, and available to
World Libraries International Congress held in South Africa
library staff members had the privilege of attending the 73rd IFLA General
Conference that was held in Durban between 19 and 23 August 2007. The
theme of the conference was "Libraries for the future: Progress,
Development and Partnerships".
IFLA, now called World Libraries International Congress (WLIC), holds its
World Library and Information Conference in a different country each year.
It is the most prestigious event in the international library and
information services sector and it is always an honour to host the conference. This year's conference will only be the second ever held in
Africa. The first was in Kenya in the 1970s. The average number of
delegates who attended the World Congress in the past ranged between 3 500
and 5 000 from over 100 countries.
The topics that dominated this year's conference, included: information
technology and research, library frontiers, multicultural library
services, best practices, managing e-resources, preservation management,
managing technologies, continued professional development, African
libraries, information literacy, Free Access to Information and Freedom of
Expression (FAIFE), services for the disabled and parliamentary libraries.
here for the previous editions of Bibnuus.