This is an update about the ongoing refurbishments at the Stellenbosch University Library following our previous communication to you.
The renovations consist of upgrading the existing facilities and infrastructure to accommodate clients' needs and create a contemporary aesthetic look for the SU Library while maintaining the integrity of the existing building. The primary focus of the project is to provide clients with comfortable and effective spaces in which to work while making it easier to use and navigate the library.
We are pleased to inform you that there has been tremendous progress with the project but also some delays, many of which were Covid-19 enforced.
Phase One
Despite the challenges, we are pleased to inform you that phase one of the project has been partially completed.
The students' ablutions on the lower level have been completed and are in use (see pictures below).

The client services and short loans sections on the upper level have been upgraded and are operational as from 22 November 2021. See picture below.

The study and computer areas on the upper levels are almost complete. The network is still to be installed in these areas and is scheduled to be completed by the end of January 2022. See picture below.
Phase Two
This phase includes refurbishment of clients' ablution facilities on the upper level, the reading area and the security gate. Work on these is in progress and scheduled to be completed by mid-March 2022.
There is ongoing work in the central section of the upper level. New flooring will be installed, and shelves will be re-assembled and books and journals reshelved.
Phase Three
The remaining construction will comprise the renovation of the entrance foyer, access turnstiles and installation of the new Tattle Tape security system.
Work will now be completed by the beginning of 2022.
During all phases of the construction, there is ongoing work to ceiling spaces and services for data activation.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused during the refurbishments. However, you can take solace from the fact that you will have access to comfortable and effective spaces at the completion of the project.
Contact Delene Pretorius for further details about the project.
22 November 2021