| A collection of open access books on social sciences related to Africa | | | | |
| Key works from the Heinemann African Writers Series which comprises seminal works from the canon of African literature of the twentieth century, covering such authors as Steve Biko, Ama Ata Aidoo, Nadine Gordimer, and Buchi Emecheta. Novels, short stories, drama, poetry and author biographies are included. | | | | |
| A collection of APA handbooks | | | | |
| Explore our AOSIS Scholarly Books open access book catalogue by scholarly domain. Discover the latest published books and stay updated on upcoming book releases. | | | | |
| Baen Books is making available for free a number of its titles in electronic format. Anyone may read these titles online or, alternatively, the books can be downloaded in one of several formats | | | | |
| This pre-eminent internet publisher of literature, reference and verse provides unlimited access to books and information on the web, free of charge. | | | | |
| A collection of academic e-books that focus on the Humanities and Social Sciences, International Law and selected areas in the Sciences. | | | | |
| A collection of academic e-books that focus on the Humanities and Social Sciences, International Law and selected areas in the Sciences. | | | | |
| Scholarly materials, databases of journal article abstracts and citations, electronic journals, publishing tools, and reference databases. | | | | |
| A large collection of books in all subject areas, published by Cambridge University Press. | | | | |
| See Cambridge Books online | | | | |
| A collection of academic e-books on a variety of subjects. | | | | |
| A large collection of open-access peer-reviewed books. | | | | |
| Two ProQuest e-book platforms, Ebrary and EBL, have merged to form Ebook Central. | | | | |
| Ebook access to the ProQuest Business Ebook subscription available via the native Ebook Central platform. | | | | |
| Ebook access to the ProQuest Economics Ebook subscription available via the native Ebook Central platform | | | | |
| A collection of academic e-books on a variety of subjects. | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Over 1 900 e-book editions (4,000 volumes) available | | | | |
| More than 260 e-reference works and e-books on a variety of subjects | | | | |
| Google website | | | | |
| Find the book that you want. If the book is no longer copyrighted, or if Google has the publisher's permission, preview the book, and in some cases the entire text will be available. If the book is in the public domain, downloading of a pdf copy is free of charge. | | | | |
| see IG Library | | | | |
| These are electronic versions of peer-reviewed South African social science research reports and publications emanating from the Human Science Research Council (HSRC). | | | | |
| ICE Virtual Library from ICE Publishing, the most comprehensive online civil engineering resource in the world. | | | | |
| A collection of approximately 400 electronic books on engineering, published by The Institution of Engineering and Technology between 1979 and 2014. The focus is on electrical and electronic engineering. | | | | |
| A few hundred electronic books on private law, public law and human rights. | | | | |
| ICE's Eurocode collection. Eurocodes is a set of pan-European model-building codes, developed by the European Committee for Standardisation. The Eurocodes form a common European set of structural design codes for civil engineering work. | | | | |
| A collection of more than 420 freely accessible electronic books in science and related subjects. | | | | |
| A collection of more than 200 books, freely available, on global and regional issues related to sustainable and equitable development. | | | | |
| see IG Library | | | | |
| A collection of academic e-books on a variety of subjects. | | | | |
| A collection of open access e-books published by JSTOR | | | | |
| Karger offers clinicians and patients unlimited free access to the Fast Facts series, a collection of more than 100 resources spanning multiple topics across the field of medicine. | | | | |
| Scientific and engineering handbooks from various publishers | | | | |
| A few hundred open access academic books from a variety of university presses and other academic publishers. | | | | |
| A collection of electronic books in medicine, housed on Stellenbosch University's existing OVID platform. | | | | |
| The Harvard, APA and Vancouver methods and the footnote system. Published by the Stellenbosch University Language Centre. | | | | |
| The Harvard, APA and Vancouver methods and the footnote system. Published by the Stellenbosch University Language Centre. | | | | |
| Browse through the most popular titles, recommendations, or recent reviews from visitors. More than 29 000 e-books are accessible free of charge. | | | | |
| An early collection of books from the Indian scanning centres of the Universal Library Project, sometimes called the Million Books Project. | | | | |
| A new, collective action Open Access business model for Scholarly Books | | | | |
| MyiLibrary has merged with Ebook Central and you will be redirected to this new platform. All our MyiLibrary titles are now available from Ebook Central. | | | | |
| A collection of more than 9 000 freely accessible electronic books on a wide range of topics in science, biology, computer science, engineering, health, space science, animal nutrition, etc. | | | | |
| The OAPEN Library contains freely accessible academic books, mainly in the area of Humanities and Social Sciences. OAPEN works with publishers to build a quality controlled collection of Open Access books, and provides services for publishers, libraries and research funders in the areas of dissemination, quality assurance and digital preservation. | | | | |
| A hosting platform that makes scientific book publications, and other high-quality academic OA content, freely available to anyone, anywhere in the world. | | | | |
| A few dozen books on social sciences and humanities published by OpenBook Publishers. Complete digital versions of all their books are made freely available on their website. You can find the link on each book's main page. These versions can be read on any computer or mobile device that is connected to the Internet. | | | | |
| More than 50 Open Access books currently available without paywall restriction on OUP. A free PDF version of each title is available to read and share according to the terms of the Creative Commons publication licence, provided that the author is properly cited. Please note that third party materials included in the publication may be subject to copyright restrictions; proper permission to reuse this material should be sought from the rights holder. | | | | |
| A collection of a few hundred electronic books published by Palgrave. | | | | |
| A collection of a few hundred electronic books published by Palgrave. | | | | |
| A collection of about 25 electronic books published by Palgrave. | | | | |
| A collection of about 80 electronic books published by Palgrave. | | | | |
| Publications of the Institute of Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, a leading research and teaching centre with an international reputation for high quality applied research and critical scholarship. | | | | |
| Project Gutenberg offers over 36 000 free e-books to download to your PC, Kindle, iPad, iPhone, Android or other portable device. Choose between ePub, Kindle, HTML and simple text formats. | | | | |
| see Science Direct E-Books | | | | |
| A collection of more than 150 handbooks and reference works, published by Sage. | | | | |
| Publications of SALDRU, a research-based social responsiveness initiative housed in the School of Economics, University of Cape Town. | | | | |
| More than 3000 electronic books and reference works, published by Elsevier, housed on SU’s existing Science Direct platform. | | | | |
| A collection of e-books on Biomedical and life sciences, published in 2009, as well as a few Springer reference works, housed on Stellenbosch University's existing SpringerLink platform. | | | | |
| Books in the humanities and social sciences subject fields. | | | | |
| Electronic books on medicine, healthcare and related subject areas. | | | | |
| Electronic books in the subject areas of science, engineering, medicine and education, housed on Stellenbosch University's Wiley-Blackwell platform. | | | | |
| A collection of academic e-books on a variety of subjects. | | | | |