In 2014, a framework for information literacy was developed and accepted. The aim was to provide structure for an effective information literacy skills training programme. In 2022 a revision of this framework was accepted and resulted in the inclusion of digital skills. Situated within the larger academic literacies’ ecosystem, digital and information skills inform the training activities provisioned by the Library and Information Service at Stellenbosch University.
Digital and Information Skills Training Framework 2022.pdf

The framework is underpinned by the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) definition of information literacy and Jisc framework of digital capabilities:
  • Information literacy is the set of integrated abilities encompassing the reflective discovery of information, the understanding of how information is produced and valued, and the use of information in creating new knowledge and participating ethically in communities of learning (ACRL, 2015).
  • Jisc defines Digital Capabilities as six overlapping elements: digital identity and wellbeing; ICT proficiency; information, data and media literacies; digital learning and self development; digital creation innovation and scholarship; and, communication, collaboration and participation. Digital identity and wellbeing, and ICT proficiency foregrounds this definition.

SU related guidelines are: ​SU strategy for teaching and learning, 2018 and the Conceptual Framework Document for Academic Literacies at Stellenbosch University

The Library and Information Service offers a wide range of group training sessions in different venues with a focus on enhancing digital and information skills of all clients at Stellenbosch University. One of the main venues for library training is the e-classroom in the Stellenbosch University Library.

Training sessions available

  • Consult the training and events calendar to see the scheduled training sessions for each month of the year. Book a specific training session or consult the #SmartStudent and #SmartResearcher training programmes to see a list of all training sessions available for introductory and advanced training sessions respectively.
  • A wide range of online training guides is available at Library guides and Help on the library homepage.
  • One-on-one training sessions by library staff are available during library hours, for example, at the information desk in the Learning Commons in the Stellenbosch University Library and at the branch libraries.
  • Appointments with faculty and branch librarians may be arranged during office hours. Please book a one-on-one training session with your faculty or branch librarian.

Other training opportunities for postgraduates

Consult the Postgraduate Skills Development webpage for postgraduate support and training provided by the University. These support and skills development workshops, courses, seminars and conferences are aimed at assisting postgraduate students to complete their degree on schedule and to improve the quality of their research.  All generic library training sessions are also included in this calendar.

Online training guides

The Find, access and use information effectively: a step-by-step online  guide will assist you in becoming a competent user of academic information resources by working through the available material in your own time. The self-directed guides are supplemented by video presentations to assist in creating a better learning experience. Through the step-by-step directory you will learn how to:

Other online guides available

Bladsy Inhoud
In 2014 was 'n raamwerk vir inligtingsgeletterdheid ontwikkel en aanvaar. Die doel was om struktuur te voorsien vir 'n effektiewe opleidingsprogram vir inligtingsgeletterdheidsvaardighede. In 2022 was 'n hersiening van hierdie raamwerk aanvaar en het dit gelei tot die insluiting van digitale vaardighede. Geleë binne die groter akademiese geletterdheid ekosisteem, sluit digitale en inligtingsvaardighede die opleidings aktiwiteite wat deur die Biblioteek- en Inligtingsdiens aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch verskaf word in.

Die raamwerk word ondersteun deur die Vereniging van Kollege en Navorsingsbiblioteke (ACRL) definisie van inligtinggeletterdheid en Jisc raamwerk van digitale vermoëns:
  • Information literacy is the set of integrated abilities encompassing the reflective discovery of information, the understanding of how information is produced and valued, and the use of information in creating new knowledge and participating ethically in communities of learning (ACRL, 2015).
  • Jisc definieer digitale vermoëns as ses oorvleuelende elemente: digitale identiteit en welstand; IKT-vaardigheid; inligting, data en media geletterdheid; digitale leer en selfontwikkeling; digitale skeppingsinnovasie en -vakkundigheid;  en kommunikasie, samewerking en deelname. Hierdie deifnisie is gegrond in digitale identiteit en welstand, en IKT-vaardigheid.

US-verwante riglyne​: ​US-strategie vir onderrig en leer, 2018 en die Konseptuele Raamwerkdokument vir Akademiese Geletterdheid aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch.

Die Biblioteek- en Inligtingsdiens bied 'n wye verskeidenheid groepopleidingsessies in verskillende lokale aan met die fokus op die verbetering van digitale en inligtingsvaardighede van alle kliënte aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch. Een van die hooflokale vir biblioteekopleiding is die e-klaskamer in die Universiteit Stellenbosch Biblioteek.

Opleidingsessies beskikbaar

  • Raadpleeg die opleidings- en geleentheidskalender om te sien watter opleidingsessies vir elke maand van die jaar geskeduleer is. Bespreek 'n spesifieke opleidingsessie of raadpleeg die #SmartStudent - en #SmartResearcher-opleidingsprogram om 'n lys te sien van alle opleidingsessies wat onderskeidelik vir inleidende en gevorderde opleidingsessies beskikbaar is.
  • 'n Wye verskeidenheid aanlyn opleidingsgidse is beskikbaar by Biblioteekgidse en Hulp op die biblioteek se tuisblad.
  • Een-tot-een opleidingsessies aangebied deur biblioteekpersoneel is gedurende biblioteekure beskikbaar, byvoorbeeld by die inligtingsdienspunt in die Leersentrum in die Universiteit Stellenbosch Biblioteek en by die takbiblioteke.
  • Afsprake met fakulteits- en takbibliotekarisse is gedurende kantoorure beskikbaarBespreek asseblief 'n een-tot-een-opleidingsessie deur jou fakulteit of takbibliotekaresse.

Ander opleidingsgeleenthede vir nagraadse studente

Raadpleeg die Nagraadse Vaardigheidsontwikkelingswebblad vir nagraadse ondersteuning en opleiding wat deur die Universiteit verskaf word. Hierdie ondersteunings- en vaardigheidsontwikkelingswerksessies, kursusse, seminare en konferensies is daarop gemik om nagraadse studente te help om hulle grade binne die vasgestelde tyd te voltooi en om die kwaliteit van hulle navorsing te verbeter. Alle generiese biblioteekopleidingsessies word ook by hierdie kalender ingesluit.

Aanlyn opleidingsgidse

Die vind, kry toegang en gebruik inligting effektief: 'n stap-vir-stap aanlyn gids sal jou help om ‘n bekwame gebruiker van akademiese inligtingsbronne te word deur op jou eie tyd deur die materiaal wat beskikbaar is te werk. Die selfgerigte gidse word aangevul deur video-aanbiedings om te help met die skep van 'n beter leerervaring. Deur die stap-vir-stapgids te gebruik, sal jy leer hoe om:
  • soektogte uit te voer in Library Search (die biblioteek se soekfunksie) om sodoende eweknie-geëvalueerde artikels en boeke te vind;
  • plagiaat te verstaan;
  • kopiereg te verstaan en toe te pas.

Ander aanlyn gidse beskikbaar

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