
Visitors are welcome to use the resources of the Library and Information Service, providing this does not conflict with the primary responsibility to students, lecturers and other staff of the University.


All libraries are accessible to visitors.  See Library hours.
Access is free of charge subject to positive identification with a valid identification document (photo identification is essential).

Scholars are permitted access to the SU Library only through school groups coordinated by the Head of Marketing: Library and Information Service, or if accompanied by a parent; but then not to study or to do research.

Borrowing privileges

Please apply at Client Service at the Stellenbosch University Library​​ or the lending desk of any of the branch libraries. Copies of your identification document and proof of address are required.​

The following visitors living within a 150km radius from Stellenbosch may obtain free borrowing privileges:

  • ​Stellenbosch University pensioners at any of the libraries
  • Clergy at Theology Library only

​Other visitors living within a 150km radius of Stellenbosch may obtain borrowing privileges by paying a​ membership fee of R320.00 for 3 months or R1150.00 per annum.

The borrowing privileges are:​​

  • Number of loans: 3 items
  • Borrowing period: 14 days per item
  • Renewals: 2 per item (within maximum renewal period of 42 days) unless someone else has requested it.
    Renew online or ask a staff me​​mber.
    In person, enquire at Client Service at the SU Library or the lending desk of any of the branch libraries.
  • Returns: To Client Service at the SU Library or the lending desk of any of the branch libraries. It is possible to return books by putting them in the drop boxes at the libraries’ entrances.
  • Fines for overdue items: R1.00 per item per day
  • Fine limit: R30.00 (borrowing privileges will be suspended when this limit has been exceeded)
  • Reserving books currently on loan: Free and unlimited.
    Reserve online or ask a staff me​​mber
    In person, enquire at Client Service at the SU Library or the lending desk of any of the branch libraries.
  • Material available to borrow: All items marked "Loanable"
  • Lost/damaged items: Replacement value payable to the Library and Information Service


Electronic resources

Due to licensing agreements, access to some electronic resources is restricted to currently registered students and staff members of Stellenbosch University.

Visitors will only be able to view the open access content. See the section How to find open access resources in the library catalogue in the Open access resources library guide.

Electronic resources freely available (open access)

Open a​ccess resourcesThe resources in this library guide are regarded as Open Access and therefore freely available to anyone. It includes a section on how to find open access resources in the library catalogue.
SUNDigitalImages and photos of student life, music, literature, Die Matie; Vrye Weekblad; Noseweek, etc.
SUNScholarArticles, book chapters, theses and dissertations, conference papers of SU staff and students
SUNScholarData Research data of SU staff and students
SUNJournalsOpen access journals hosted by the Library
Google ScholarAllows users to search for digital or physical copies of articles, whether online or in libraries. Some digital copies may be freely available.
Google BooksThe world's most comprehensive index of full-text books
CoreThe world's largest collection of open access research papers
The Internet ArchiveA non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more

Information services

Basic information services are provided to visitors. These include assistance to become self-sufficient in finding sources and information, in either printed or electronic format. Should assistance be required, please enquire at Client Service at the Stellenbosch University Library or the lending desk of any of the branch libraries.

Finding books, articles & other information resources

Do a Library Search on the library homepag​​e or choose E-databases or E-Journals from the FIND menu.

Short loans

The service is restricted to staff and registered students at Stellenbosch University.

Interlibrary loans

The service is restricted to staff and registered students of Stellenbosch University.

Internet & wireless access

Visitors may have internet access from their own devices with wireless access.

Internet via the EduRoam world-wide Wi-Fi roaming access service for the international research and education community, are accessible for visiting students, researchers and staff from participating institutions.


Print facilities are available at the Stellenbosch University Library, Music Library and Theology Library. Enquire at Client Service or the lending desk of these libraries.​ See Print, copy & scan for alumni and other visitors.

Bladsy Inhoud

Besoekers is welkom om die Biblioteek- en Inligtingsdiens se bronne te gebruik op voorwaarde dat die gebruik nie in konflik staan met die Biblioteek- en Inligtingsdiens se primêre verantwoordelikheid teenoor die studente, dosente en ander personeel van die Universiteit nie.


Alle biblioteke is toeganklik vir besoekers. Sien Biblioteekure.
Toegang is gratis onderhewig aan toepaslike identifikasie​ (foto-identifikasie is noodsaaklik).

Leerders kan die US Biblioteek besoek slegs as deel van ‘n groep waar die besoek deur die Biblioteek se Hoof van Bemarking & Kommunikasie gekoördineer is, of in die geselskap van ‘n ouer, maar dan nie om te studeer of om navorsing te doen nie.


Doen asseblief aansoek by Kliëntediens in die Universiteit Stellenbosch Biblioteek of die uitleentoonbank van enige van die takbiblioteke.​​ 'n Kopie van jou identiteitsdokument en bewys van adres word vereis.

Die volgende besoekers wat binne 'n radius van 150 km van Stellenbosch woon, mag gratis uitleenvoorregte ontvang:
  • ​​US pensionarisse​ by enige van die biblioteke
  • Geestelike leiers, slegs by Teologie Biblioteek

Ander besoekers wat binne 'n radius van 150 km van Stellenbosch woon, mag uitleenvoorregte verkry deur 'n lidmaatskap fooi van R320.00 vir 3 maande of R1150.0 per jaar te betaal.

Die uitleenvoorregte is:

  • Aantal lenings: 3 items
  • Uitleenperiode: 14 dae per item
  • Hernuwings: 2 per item (binne maksimum hernuwingsperiode van 42 dae) behalwe as iemand anders dit bespreek het. 
    Hernu aanlyn of vra 'n personeellid.
    In persoon, doen navraag by Kliëntediens in die US Biblioteek of die uitleentoonbank van enige van die takbiblioteke.
  • Terugbesorging: By Kliëntediens in die US Biblioteek of die uitleentoonbank van enige van die takbiblioteke. Boeke kan terugbesorg word deur dit in die boekposbusse by die biblioteekingange te plaas.
  • Boetes vir laat items: R1.00 per item per dag
  • Boetegrens: R30.00 (uitleenvoorregte word daarna opgeskort)
  • Bespreek boeke wat uitgeleen is: Gratis en sonder beperking. 
    Bespreek aanlyn of vra 'n personeellid.
    In persoon, doen navraag by Kliëntediens in die US Biblioteek of die uitleentoonbank van enige van die takbiblioteke.
  • Uitleenbare materiaal: Alle items gemerk "Loanable"
  • Verlore/beskadigde boeke: Vervangingswaarde betaalbaar aan die Biblioteek- en Inligtingsdiens


Elektroniese bronne 

As gevolg van lisensie-ooreenkomste is toegang tot die elektroniese bronne beperk tot studente en personeel wat tans by die Universiteit Stellenbosch geregistreer is.
Besoekers sal slegs die oop toegang inhoud kan sien.​ Sien gedeelte in die How to find open access resources in the library catalogue in die Ooptoegangsbronne biblioteekgids.

Elektroniese bronne vryelik toeganklik (oop toegang)

Ooptoegangsbronne Die bronne in hierdie biblioteekgids word beskou as Oop Toegang en is vryelik toeganglik. Dit sluit 'n gedeelte in oor hoe om ooptoegangsbronne in die biblioteekkatalogus op te spoor.
SUNDigitalBeelde en foto's van die studentelewe, musiek, literatuur, Die Matie; Vrye Weekblad; Noseweek, ens.
SUNScholarArtikels, hoofstukke uit boeke, tesisse en proefskrifte, referate deur US-personeel en -studente
SUNScholarData Navorsingsdata van US-personeel en -studente
SUNJournalsOoptoegangstydskrifte wat deur die Biblioteek gehuisves word
Google ScholarStel gebruikers in staat om digitale en gedrukte kopieë van artikels te vind, hetsy aanlyn of in biblioteke. Sommige digitale kopieë mag vryelik beskikbaar wees.
Google BooksDie wêreld se mees omvattende indeks van volteks boeke
CoreDie wêreld se grootste versameling oop toegang navorsingsartikels
The Internet Archive'n Nie-winsgewende biblioteek wat uit miljoene gratis boeke, films, sagteware, musiek, webwerwe, ens. bestaan


Basiese inligtingsdienste word aan besoekers verskaf. Dit behels hulp om bronne en inligting, hetsy in papier of elektroniese formaat, self op te spoor. Doen asseblief in die Universiteit Stellenbosch Biblioteek navraag by Kliëntediens of by die uitleentoonbank van enige van die takbiblioteke.

Vind boeke, artikels & ander inligtingsbronne

Soek biblioteekbronne via die biblioteektuisblad of kies E-databasisse of E-Joernale vanaf die VIND-spyskaart. Aanwysings is beskikbaar by Find, access and use information effectively: a step by step guide. Sien Find information


Die diens is beperk tot personeel en geregistreerde studente van die Universiteit Stellenbosch.


Die diens is beperk tot personeel en geregistreerde studente van die Universiteit Stellenbosch.

Internet & koordlose toegang

Besoekers mag internet toegang verkry vanaf hul eie toerustig met koordlose toegang.

Internet via die EduRoam wêreldwye koordlose netwerkdienste vir die internationale navorser en onderwys gemeenskap, is toeganklik vir besoekende studente, navorsers en personeel van deelnemende instansies.


​​Druk fasiliteite is beskikbaar by die Universiteit Stellenbosch Biblioteek, Musiekbiblioteek en die Teologie Biblioteek. Navrae kan by die Kliëntediens of uitleentoonbank van hierdie biblioteke gedoen word. Sien Druk, ko​​pieer & skandeer vir alumni en ander besoekers.

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