

All libraries of the Library and Information Service are accessible to staff of the University. Access control at the Stellenbosch University Library and branch libraries requires swiping a valid SU staff card. See Library hours.

Borrowing privileges

  • Number of loans: 30 items
  • Borrowing period: 90 days per item
  • Renewals: 2 per item (within maximum renewal period of 270 days) unless someone else has requested it.

Other staff:

  • Number of loans: 15 items
  • Borrowing period: 30 days per item
  • Renewals: 2 per item (within maximum renewal period of 90 days) unless someone else has requested it.

All staff:

  • Renewals: Renew online or ask a staff me​​mber.
    In person, enquire at Client Service at the SU Library or the lending desk of any of the branch libraries.
  • Returns: To Client Service at the SU Library or the lending desk of any of the branch libraries.
    It is possible to return books by putting them in the drop boxes at the libraries’ entrances.
  • Reserving books currently on loan: Free and unlimited.
    Reserve online or ask a staff me​​mber.
    In person, enquire at Client Service at the SU Library or the lending desk of any of the branch libraries.
  • Material available to borrow: All items marked "Loanable"
  • Lost/damaged books: Replacement value payable to the Library and Information Service


Information services & research support

Please consult the following library guides:
Your faculty librarian is available by appointment.
An electronic information service is available at Ask a Librarian.

Finding books, articles & other information resources

Do a Library Search on the library homepage or choose E-databases or E-journals from the FIND menu.
Guidelines are available at Find, access and use information effectively: a step by step guide. See Find information.

Finding your way around the library

Introduction to the physical and virtual library:

Internet & wireless access

Internet via the EduRoam world-wide Wi-Fi roaming access service is available in all libraries to Stellenbosch University staff and students registered on the University network. See Wireless access.

Library orientation & training

Consult the following training calendars:
Alternatively request a one-on-one training session via Ask a Librarian.

Electronic resources

Do a Library Search on the library homepag​​e or choose E-databases or E-Journals from the FIND menu.
Guidelines are available aFind, access and use information effectively: a step by step guide. See Find information.

Off-campus e-access

All electronic resources offered by the Library and Information Service via our library homepage are available from home, office computers, laptops or mobile phones. Use your SU network username and password to sign in. See Off-campus e-access.

Interlibrary loans

Material not available in any of the libraries of the Library and Information Service may be borrowed from other libraries. See Interlibrary loans.

Short loans

The service provides access to frequently used items for short periods to ensure that it is accessible to a large number of clients. See Short Loans guidelines for lecturing staff.

Print, copy & scan

Staff and students are able to print, copy and scan at any secure pull print printer available in the library by using your student/staff card. See Print, copy & scan.

Room bookings

Various rooms are available to book. See Bookings.

Bladsy Inhoud


Alle biblioteke van die Biblioteek- en Inligtingsdiens is toeganklik vir personeel van die Universiteit. Toegang tot die Universiteit Stellenbosch Biblioteek en die takbiblioteke is met 'n geldige US-personeelkaart. Sien Biblioteekure.


  • Aantal lenings: 30 items
  • Uitleenperiode: 90 dae per item
  • Hernuwings: 2 per item (binne maksimum hernuwingsperiode van 270 dae) behalwe as iemand anders dit bespreek het. 

Ander personeel:

  • Aantal lenings: 15 items
  • Uitleenperiode: 30 dae per item
  • Hernuwings: 2 per item (binne maksimum hernuwingsperiode van 90 dae) behalwe as iemand anders dit bespreek het.

Alle personeel:
  • Hernuwings: Hernu aanlyn of vra 'n personeellid.
    In persoon, doen navraag by Kliëntediens in die US Biblioteek of die uitleentoonbank van enige van die takbiblioteke.
  • Terugbesorgings: By Kliëntediens in die US Biblioteek of die uitleentoonbank van enige van die takbiblioteke. Boeke kan terugbesorg word deur dit in die boekposbusse by die biblioteekingange te plaas.
  • Bespreek boeke wat uitgeleen is: Gratis en sonder beperking. 
    Bespreek aanlyn of vra 'n personeellid.
    In persoon, doen navraag by Kliëntediens in die US Biblioteek of die uitleentoonbank van enige van die takbiblioteke.
  • Uitleenbare materiaal: Alle items gemerk "Loanable"
  • Verlore/beskadigde boeke: Vervangingswaarde betaalbaar aan die Biblioteek- en Inligtingsdiens


Inligtingsdiens & navorsingsondersteuning

Die volgende biblioteekgidse kan geraadpleeg word:
Maak 'n afspraak met jou fakulteitsbibliotekaris.
'n Aanlyn inligtingsdiens is beskikbaar by "Vra ons" (Ask a Librarian).

Vind boeke, artikels & ander inligtingsbronne

Soek biblioteekbronne via die biblioteektuisblad of kies E-databasisse of E-Joernale vanaf die VIND-spyskaart. Aanwysings is beskikbaar by Find, access and use information effectively: a step by step guide. Sien Find information.

Vind jou pad deur die biblioteek

Inleiding tot die fisiese en virtuele biblioteek:

  • Universiteit Stellenbosch Biblioteek: Vloerplan
  • Geneeskunde & Gesondheidswetenskappe Biblioteek: Vloerplan

Internet & koordlose toegang

Internet via die EduRoam wêreldwye koordlose netwerkdienste is beskikbaar in al die biblioteke aan personeel en studente wat by die Universiteit Stellenbosch vir netwerktoegang geregistreer is. Sien Koordlose toegang.

Biblioteekoriëntering & -opleiding

Raadpleeg die volgende opleidingskalenders:
'n Ander opsie is om vir 'n persoonlike opleidingsessie via Ask a Librarian te vra.

Elektroniese bronne

Die soekfunksie op die biblioteektuisblad soek deur die Biblioteek se elektroniese bronne.

Afkampus e-toegang​

Al die elektroniese bronne waarop die Biblioteek- en Inligtingsdiens inteken is via die biblioteektuisblad ook vanaf huis-, kantoor- en skootrekenaars of selfone toeganklik. Gebruik jou US-netwerkgebruikersnaam en -wagwoord om in te teken.  Sien Afkampus- e-toegang.


Items wat nie in enige van die US-biblioteke beskikbaar is nie, kan van 'n ander biblioteek aangevra word. Sien Interbiblioteeklenings.


Die reserwediens verskaf vir kort periodes toegang tot materiaal wat dikwels gebruik word, ten einde te verseker dat dit vir 'n groot groep kliënte toeganklik is. Sien Reserwe-riglyne vir doserende personeel.

Druk, kopieer & skandeer

Studente en personeel kan by enige 'Secure pull print' drukker in die biblioteek druk, kopieer of skandeer deur hul studente-/personeelkaart te gebruik. Sien Druk, kopieer & skandeer.


'n Verskeidenheid lokale is vir bespreking beskikbaar. Sien Besprekings.

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