Do a Library Search on the library homepage or choose E-databases or E-journals from the FIND menu.Guidelines are available at Find, access and use information effectively: a step by step guide. See Find information.
Introduction to the physical and virtual library:
Consult the following training calendars:
Prospective postgraduate students may have internet access from their own devices with wireless access.
Inleiding tot die fisiese en virtuele biblioteek:
Voornemende nagraadse studente mag internet toegang verkry vanaf hul eie toerusting met koordlose toegang.
Druk fasiliteite is beskikbaar by die Universiteit Stellenbosch Biblioteek, Musiekbiblioteek en die Teologie Biblioteek. Navrae kan by die Kliëntediens of uitleentoonbank van hierdie biblioteke gedoen word. Sien Druk, kopieer & skandeer vir alumni en ander besoekers.