
Institutional Research Repository at Stellenbosch University

SUNScholar is an open access electronic archive for the collection, preservation and distribution of digital materials created by researchers of Stellenbosch University, which are of great academic research importance. Primary digital materials include research articles by Stellenbosch University researchers, as well as completed theses and dissertations by students of the University. Secondary research material includes inaugural addresses, presentations and many more. SUNScholar is built using open standards with open source software for the purposes of long term digital preservation. SUNScholar is an online academic research information service of the Library.

Submit theses/dissertations electronically to SUNScholar
These and dissertations are submitted electronically to SUNScholar each year during two graduation periods.
For more information on the submission procedure, see the Library webpage for guidance under HELP | Online thesis submission.

Request theses/dissertations available in print only in electronic format
Send an e-mail with the title and name of the author of the thesis/dissertation. You will be notified via e-mail (allow 7-14 days) once the document has become available on SUNScholar.

Contact us

Ms CathrIn Baadjies
Tel: +27 21 808 9139

Ms Paulette Talliard
Tel: +27 21 808 9046

Ms Mimi Seyffert
Tel: +27 808 9431
Bladsy Inhoud

Institusionele Navorsingsbewaarplek van die Universiteit Stellenbosch

SUNScholar is 'n ooptoegang-elektroniese argief vir die versameling, bewaring en verspreiding van digitale materiaal geskep deur navorsers van Stellenbosch Universiteit, wat van groot akademiese navorsingsbelang is. Primêre elektroniese materiaal sluit in navorsingsartikels deur navorsers van die Universiteit Stellenbosch, sowel as afgehandelde tesisse en verhandelinge/proefskrifte deur studente van die Universiteit. Sekondêre navorsingsmateriaal sluit in intreeredes, referate en baie meer. SUNScholar is ontwikkel deur die toepassing van oop standaarde en gebruik van oopbronsagteware vir die doeleindes van langtermyn digitale bewaring. SUNScholar is 'n aanlyn-akademiese navorsingsinligtingsdiens gelewer deur die Biblioteek.

Dien tesis/proefskrif elektronies in
Jaarliks word tesisse of proefskrifte elektronies op SUNScholar ingedien tydens twee gradueringstydperke.
Vir meer inligting oor die elektroniese inhandigingsproses, sien die riglyne op die Biblioteek se webblad, onder HULP | Elektroniese indiening van tesis.

Vra gedrukte tesis/proefskrif/verhandeling in elektroniese formaat aan te vra
Stuur 'n e-pos met die titel en outeur van die tesis/proefskrif/verhandeling. U sal per e-pos in kennis gestel word (laat 7-14 dae toe) sodra die item beskikbaar is op SUNScholar.

Kontak ons

Ms CathrIn Baadjies
Tel: +27 21 808 9139

Me Paulette Talliard
Tel: +27 21 808 9046

Me Mimi Seyffert Wirth
Tel: +27 21 808 9431
Approval Status Approved
Content Type: sunpagecontent