Week (13-18
March 2006)
Library Week was celebrated two weeks ago with a Web quiz competition; an
exhibition on libraries of the world, a fines remission and GetWise@URLibrary
training with regard to Science Direct and SA ePublications.
CONGRATULATIONS to the WINNER of the Library Week competition:
Yuriy Tsupko.
Off-campus access to library databases
New verification software now facilitates
easy and continuous access to library databases and electronic journals for off-campus clients.
Clients who access the library website from off-campus can merely
click on the “off-campus” button next to the title of the database he/she
wishes to use and sign on by means of a network user name and password.
Although the majority of databases are available by this means, due to
technical reasons, it does not include the total collection of Library
Enquiries: Johan Mouton, tel.: 808-4641
during power failures
The following measures will prevail at the
JS Gericke Library during power failures:
Only limited services such as borrowing and
returns will be available during power failures.
Only partial lighting will prevail.
No airconditioning and computer facilities will be available.
Prolonged power failures will be monitored on a day to day basis and
arrangements will be adjusted according to the emergency power capacity and
the air conditioning situation.
After hours the Library will close at 19:30 in summer and 17:30 in winter
due to the
following reasons:
The emergency generator can only run for four hours at a time before it
needs refuelling
The generator only supplies 33% of the normal lighting, which is
insufficient for study purposes after hours
Lack of airconditioning poses a health risk to staff and clients due to
the Library being underground
The general darkness on campus during power failures further holds a
security risk for the limited number of mostly female staff members on
Enquiries: Johan Engelbrecht, tel.: 808-4878

Access to books via Google
An agreement between WorldCat and Google
now makes it possible to find books in our collection by means of Google.
Type the quote “find in a library” in the search box and select
South Africa - Stellenboch.
Please note, however, that the complete
library collection is not available
by this means. It is therefore still important to use the library
catalogue (Aleph) and the card catalogue in order to search the complete library collection.
Enquiries: Marianna Kritzinger, tel.: 808-4888
Interlending: procedures for payment by
A separate requisition form is required for
EACH staff member and student who is authorised to request
interlending material by means of a requisition.
Each interlending requisition form should clearly indicate the name of the
requestor, his/her signature, account number as well as the contact details of the department’s
Please note that a new
requisition form should be completed at the beginning of each term.
Enquiries: Anli van Santen, tel.: 808-4872
Merging of Engineering and Forestry
The collection of the Forestry Library has
recently been moved to the Engineering Library. Please note that all
Forestry material is now available at the "new" Engineering and Forestry
Library. Items on the library catalogue will still display as "Forestry".
The merger of these two libraries was
celebrated at a small occasion on the 17th of March.
Enquiries: Corinna Truter, tel.:
SpringerLink Online
Journal collection is the latest database addition to the
Library Service's collection of electronic information sources.
SpringerLink provides access to more than 1,200 full-text journals.
All journals published subsequent to 1996
can be accessed in their full-text format.
As a result of the merger between Kluwer Academic Publishing and
Springer-Verlag, Springer is now the world’s second-largest supplier of
scientific, technical and medical (STM) literature.
Due to the merger, Springer has
also expanded its product range by seven new disciplines: education,
geography, humanities, linguistics, philosophy, psychology and social
Enquiries: Johan Mouton, tel.: 808-4641
New subject librarians for AgriSciences
Carine Tymbios and Hanlie Strydom, formerly
associated with the Library Service’s commercial information service,
INFOBANK, have been appointed as the subject librarians for the
Faculty of AgriSciences from January this year.
Carine is available between 08:00 and 12:45 and Hanlie between 11:45 and
Enquiries: Carine Tymbios or Hanlie Strydom tel.: 808-4345
New books

A selection of new books are displayed on
the Library Website weekly. Click
here to see more ...
New appointments
Yumna Williams
has been appointed in an ad hoc position at the Lending Section of the JS
Gericke Library as from 6 March.
A warm welcome Yumna!
Improved computer access in JSG
Twenty additional computers have been
added to the computer area on the lower level of the JS Gericke Library to improve access to
computers in the Library. This measure addresses one of the greatest
complaints that was raised in the LibQual library survey. All the
computers provide Internet access, e-mail, word processing and spreadsheet
Generous provision has also been made for lap top users to access the
campus network or to make use of the wireless network provision.
Enquiries: Wouter Klapwijk, tel.: 808-4378
Dynamic Beijing
An exhibition under the auspices of the Chinese Embassy is currently on
display in the JS Gericke Library.
The photo exhibition with the title: Dynamic Beijing: photo exhibition in commemoration of the 56th
anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, covers
all aspects of Beijing: the present, history, economy
and education.
Enquiries: Marié Roux, tel.: 808-2623
Measures to improve access to books
The LibQual survey on library services,
that was conducted last year, indicated that clients often do not find
books that they are looking for.
In an effort to improve the availability
of books, lending privileges of non-university clients were reduced at the
beginning of the year.
Lending privileges of primary clients have
been left unaltered but in future it will only
be possible to renew books twice.
Enquiries: Anemarie Schoeman, tel.: 808-3722
Collecting of library material by third
A letter of permission is required for each
instance that library material is collected at the JS Gericke Library by a
third party to confirm that he/she has permission to collect the material
on behalf of someone else.
Forms for this purpose are available at the Lending Section.
Enquiries: Niël Mostert, tel.: 808-4883