
Wednesday, 19 May

Copyright issues

Presenter: Carol Kat
Time: 09:00 – 10:30

This session will highlight issues involved in copyright and how consumers of copyrighted content can avoid falling foul of copyright laws.
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Ethics of scholarly writing

Presenter: Prof. Leslie Swartz
Time: 10:30 – 11:30

This session focusses on key ethical issues in publishing, including predatory publishing and questions of authorship. We will discuss the complex relationship between research ethics and publication ethics, and some of the frameworks which are used to promote ethics in scholarly writing.  Not all the questions we will deal with are settled, and the session will encourage discussion and debate rather than providing a list of requirements for ethical publishing.
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Avoiding plagiarism and checking your similarity index

Presenter: Magriet De Villiers
Time: 11:45 – 12:45

Plagiarism in the academe continues to be a hot topic. This session will unpack the concept of plagiarism and take researchers through Turnitin, a tool for checking researchers’ similarity index, and how the results are to be interpreted and understood.
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Mendeley for reference management

Presenter: Kirchner van Deventer
Time: 14:00 – 16:00

Managing your references is a daunting task. This workshop will introduce you to Mendeley, a free tool focusing mainly on reference management.

Mendeley offers various services, including reference management, organising and annotation of PDF documents and collaboration.


  • Ability to use Mendeley for reference management
  • Ability to do in-text citations with the Mendeley Word plug-in
  • Learn how to organise and annotate your pdf documents in Mendeley
  • Collaborate and network with fellow students and colleagues

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