
The Learning Commons provides an innovative and stimulating learning environment and is a vibrant extension of the classroom in the Library. The Learning Commons supports the University’s commitment to student success. With the slogan 'BE A SMART MATIE - ASK!' we want to encourage students to ask for help when they need assistance with information queries for their assignments and projects, but with the understanding that they will also learn to help themselves and become self-empowered. 

Where to find us

Stellenbosch University Library, upper level.

Who may use this?

The facility is reserved for registered students and staff of the University by means of controlled access. You will need a Stellenbosch University student/staff card to gain access to the Learning Commons.

When is it available for use?

The Learning Commons is open during all service hours of the Stellenbosch University Library.

Staff & assistance

Library staff provide services and assistance in the Learning Commons from 8:00 to 16:30, Monday to Friday. After 16:30 on weekdays (Monday-Thursday until 21:45), as well as on Saturdays, assistance in the Learning Commons is provided by Client Service at the SU Library.


Feedback & complaints

We aim to provide the best possible service to our clients. Your views are important to us and we welcome suggestions for improving our service. You may speak directly to a member of staff, or send us your comments using the feedback form.

Bladsy Inhoud

Die Leersentrum bied ’n innoverende en stimulerende leeromgewing en is ‘n dinamiese uitbreiding van die klaskamer in die Biblioteek. Die Leersentrum ondersteun die Universiteit se toewyding aan studentesukses. Met die slagspreuk 'BE A SMART MATIE – ASK!' wil ons studente aanmoedig om vir hulp te vra wanneer hulle bystand met inligtingsnavrae vir hul take en projekte benodig, maar met dien verstande dat hulle ook sal leer om hulself te help en daardeur hulself te bemagtig.

Waar vind jy ons?

Universiteit Stellenbosch Biblioteek, boonste vlak.

Wie kan dit gebruik?

Die fasiliteit is gereserveer vir geregistreerde studente en personeellede van die Universiteit en toegang tot die fasiliteit word beheer. ‘n Studente-/personeelkaart van die Universiteit word benodig vir toegang tot die Leersentrum.

Wanneer is dit oop vir gebruik?

Die Leersentrum is oop vir gebruik en word beman gedurende alle diensure van die Universiteit Stellenbosch Biblioteek.

Personeel & bystand

Biblioteekpersoneel beman die Leersentrum vanaf 8:00 tot 16:30, Maandag tot Vrydag. Ná 16:30 op weeksdae (Maandag-Donderdag tot 21:45), asook op Saterdae, word die Leersentrum deur Kliëntediens in die US Biblioteek​ beman.

Terugvoering & klagtes
Ons poog om die beste moontlike diens aan ons kliënte te lewer. Jou opinie is vir ons belangrik en ons verwelkom enige voorstelle om ons diens te verbeter. Praat direk met ‘n personeellid of stuur kommentaar deur van die terugvoervorm gebruik te maak

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