

Monday, 16 May

Launch of Research Week

Mapping your research journey

Panel discussion​
Time: 15:30-16:30

Ethics play an important part in the research process from the initial stages of design to the final stages of reporting. Ethics committees in charge of research ethics processes are especially significant as they ensure that standards are met, and that individuals and institutions are protected. This is especially significant since the promulgation of the POPI Act which requires all researchers to ensure proper safeguards for personal information and the data collected for research purposes. Miscommunication can arise where ethical implications in applications may not always be made explicit. Ethics committees can approve, reject, modify or even prevent studies to continue, and this may cause researchers to regard ethics committees as unsympathetic towards their cause. This panel, consisting of researchers, experts and members of ethics committees will discuss challenges faced by researchers and ethics committees, and how they navigate through these challenges.​

Professor Ronelle Carolissen, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Panel members:
Jerall Toi (Information Governance)
Institutional Information Officer (Information Governance)

Dr Marilize Burger
Senior Lecturer & Head of Orthopaedic Research - Division of Orthopaedic Surgery. Chairperson of the Stellenbosch University’s HREC1.

Ms Katlego Mthelebofu
Lecturer: Law Faculty
Member of the Research Ethics Committee: Social, Behavioural and Education Research

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