Unique Author Identifiers
The most recognized system for administering unique author identifiers is
ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributor ID), an initiative that aims to create a central registry of unique author identifiers, including a mechanism to link between different author ID schemes, such as ResearcherID. ORCID is rapidly becoming a universal system. It brings together disparate publication data and interoperate with a wide variety of information systems.
You are invited to create your ORCID iD and connect it with your Stellenbosch University identity.
If you already have an ORCID iD, please sign in to your account from the button below and connect your iD with your SU identity.
What is ORCID?
Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) is a non-profit organisation funded by institutional memberships, grant-making organisations and wide variety of research organisations and publishers.
ORCID is a persistent, unique, numeric identifier for individual researchers and creators. It distinguishes you from researchers and creators with the same or similar names.ORCID is similar to ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, ISNI and other systems for identifying and distinguishing researchers and creators, but ORCID is rapidly becoming a universal system. It brings together disparate publication data and interoperate with a wide variety of information systems.
Please read more about the benefits of using ORCID on the
Library guide for ORCID and other researcher identifiers.
Other author/researcher identifiers:
- Researcher ID (integrated with Publons and Web of Science)
- Scopus Author ID
- Google Scholar ID
Please see more information on these researcher identifiers on the library guide on
ORCID and other researcher identifiers.