
​December 2024 graduation

SUNScholar is open to receive new nominations for the December 2024 graduation period. The final date for the submission of theses/dissertations for the December 2024 graduation is 28 November 2024.​

Please note: For your final theses (after the examination process), students must use the official SU thesis Title Page template that contains the University primary logo and branding design. The University’s primary logo features on the title page of the final thesis to establish the institution’s conferral of the degree and may not be placed on any other page of the thesis.

Preferred web browser: Mozilla Firefox
Enquiries & help: t: +27 21 808 9139 / 9046  |  Email
Physical office: Stellenbosch University Library, Room 1025

​​​The submission of theses and​ dissertations for the December 2024 graduation period has moved to SUNStudent Academia. The new name is Thesis Management and the nomination for students to submit a thesis or dissertation for graduation now takes place on Thesis ManagementThesis Management sits under the tab for Examinations.

Student prepares document

​​​It remains the student's responsibility to forward the final revised copy in PDF, to their supervisor/promoter or administrative staff. This copy is used for the submission process.

Each master’s thesis and doctoral dissertation is required to be submitted electronically using SUNStudent Academia, once it has been examined and before graduation.

Student prepares document for furnishing in electronic format. Theses and dissertations should be created according to the instructions as set out in the Yearbook 2024 - Part 1, General information and rules: Section 5.7. 

All theses/dissertations published by Stellenbosch University should contain the following compulsory information:

1. Compulsory information - Title page templates only




​ ​ ​​​

  • Declaration -  Masters Degree Doctoral Degree
  • Abstract: In the language of the thesis or dissertation (max. 500 words)
    Additional abstract (optional): In second language (max. 500 words)
  • Acknowledgements
  • Table of Contents
  • List of Figures
  • List of Tables
  • Content (e.g. Chapter 1, Chapter 2, etc.)
  • Reference List (See Referencing techniques)
  • Addenda (e.g. Addendum A, Addendum B, etc.

2. Requirements for typewriting

  • Font type: Cambria or Calibri (effective 2024)
  • Font size: 10, 11 or 12 font size
  • Line spacing: Double, Single or 1.5
  • Borders: Blank border of not less than 2 cm in width around the whole of the typewritten portion.
  • Paper size: A4
3. Furnishing in electronic format
  • To convert files to PDF format when using MS Word v.2016 and later, choose option:
  • File  >>  Save as Adobe PDF  (*.pdf)
  • Save the document by using the following file naming convention:
    e.g. dutoit_12345678_2021.docx
  • The master copy of the thesis/dissertation for SUNScholar Research Repository must be submitted electronically in PDF format.

  • It at all times remains the student's responsibility to verify the contents of the converted PDF document in order to ensure that no structure or content of the original source document was lost or manipulated during the conversion process.
  • Do not add your signature to the bottom of the declaration. Simply type your nam​​e below the declaration. The reason for this is, the whole process is recorded electronically as proof that all parties adhere to the policy.
  • Please do not add any securities to your PDF document.

Microsoft Office365 software

  • As a Stellenbosch University registered student you are elligable to receive the Microsoft Office365 software for free. 
  • Download Office365 here.

LaTeX software
  • The LaTex packages can be downloaded or installed directly via TexLive or MikTeX from here https://ctan.org/pkg/stellenbosch-2
  • Find the SU title page templates under the DOC directory.

Supervisor/promoter or administrative upload and submit

SUNScholar is open to receive new nominations for the December 2024 graduation period. This year the submission of theses and dissertations for graduation has moved to SUNStudent Academia.

The nomination for students to submit a thesis or dessertation for graduation now takes place on Thesis Management in SUNStudent AcademiaThesis Management sits under the tab for Examinations.

In Thesis Management only the final thesis or dissertation needs to be uploaded in PDF format. This is the copy following examination, and after all corrections have been made. 

The user guide for Thesis Management is available in SUNStudent at:

To summarise the process:

  1. The final thesis or dissertation must be submitted in PDF format.
  2. Log onto SUNStudent Academia.
  3. Click on Examinations, then click Thesis Management.
  4. The supervisor/promoter or administrative staff nominates the candidate.
  5. Please make use of Remarks to indicate the month and year of graduation.
  6. The thesis/dissertation is uploaded by the supervisor/promoter or administrative staff.
  7. The supervisor/promoter or administrative staff approves the submission.
  8. The thesis/dissertation will be publicly accessible on SUNScholar following graduation.

Due to the sensitive nature of security and ongoing enhancements to Thesis Management the upload/submission of the final thesis or dissertation, must be done by the supervisor/promoter/administrative staff.

Please note that if you do not have access to SUNStudent access can be provisioned by following these steps:
  1. Please access the SUNStudent Service Desk here.
  2. The tile marked 'user access management' is the section that allows users to complete their user role access request.

Publishing books/chapters in books and copyright
All inquiries related to copyright and the publication of books/chapters in books as a result of a thesis/dissertation can be directed to InnovUS.

Signature on declaration page
Please note that the signature is no longer required, and that the student can simply type their nam​​e below the declaration. The reason for this is, the whole process is recorded electronically as proof that all parties adhere to the policy.

The Stellenbosch University policy guidelines on submitting a copy with SUNScholar is available in the General Yearbook 2024: Section 5.7.1 for a thesis and Section 6.10.1 for a dissertation.

Once approved and processed by the library, the thesis/dissertation will be available online via SUNScholar Research Repository for others to access, provided that no restrictions apply.

SUNScholar enquiries & help:  Email  |  t: +27 21 808 9139 / 9046

Bladsy Inhoud

Desember 2024-gradeplegtigheid

​​​SUNScholar is oop om nuwe nominasies vir die Desember 2024-gradeplegtigheidstydperk te ontvang. Die finale datum vir die oplaai van tesisse/proefskrifte vir die Desember 2024-gradeplegtigheid is 28 November 2024.

Neem asb. kennis: Vir hulle finale tesisse (na die eksamineringsproses), moet studente die amptelike US-tesis titelbladsytemplaat wat die Universiteit se primêre logo/handelsmerk en handelsmerkontwerp bevat gebruik.
Die Universiteit se primêre logo/handelsmerk verskyn op die titelbladsy van die finale tesis om die instelling se toekenning van die graad te bevestig en mag nie op enige ander bladsy van die tesis geplaas word nie.

Voorkeur webblaaier: Mozilla Firefox
Navrae & hulp: t: +27 21 808 9139 / 9046  |  E-pos
Fisiese kantoor
:​ Universiteit Stellenbosch Biblioteek, Kamer 1025​

Die nominasie van studente en die inlewering van tesisse en proefskrifte vind nou binne SUNStudent Academia se Thesis Management plaas. Thesis Management kan gevind word onder die opskrif Examinations.

Student berei dokument voor

Dit bly die student se verantwoordelikheid om te verseker dat hul finale, gekorrigeerde dokument in PDF-formaat is by hul studieleier/promotor of administratiewe personeellid ingelewer. Hierdie kopie word vir die inleweringsproses gebruik.

Dit is ʼn vereiste dat elke magistertesis en doktorale proefskrif na eksaminering en voor graduering elektronies d.m.v. SUNStudent Academia ingelewer moet word.

Die student berei die dokument in PDF-formaat voor vir inlewering volgens die riglyne in die Jaarboek 2024 - Deel 1, Algemene inligting en reëls: Afdeling 5.7.

Alle tesisse/proefskrifte wat deur die Universiteit Stellenbosch gepubliseer word, moet die volgende dokumentuitleg bevat:

1. Opsommings verpligtend - Titelblad template




​ ​ ​​​

  • Verklaring:  Meestersgraad / Doktoraal
  • Opsomming: In die taal van die tesis of proefskrif (maks. 500 woorde)
    Bykomende opsomming (opsioneel): In tweede taal (maks. 500 woorde)
  • Erkennings
  • Inhoudsopgawe
  • Lys van Figure
  • Lys van Tabelle
  • Inhoud (bv. Hoofstuk 1, Hoofstuk 2, ens.)
  • Lys van verwysings (Sien Verwysingstegnieke)
  • Addenda (bv. Addendum A, Addendum B, ens.)

2. Vereistes vir tikwerk

  • Lettertipe: Cambria of Calibri (met ingang 2024)
  • Lettergrootte: 10, 11 of 12 lettergrootte
  • Lynspasiëring: Dubbel, Enkel of 1.5
  • Blanko kantlyne: 2cm breed om die hele getikte gedeelte.
  • Papiergrootte: A4

3. Inlewering in elektroniese formaat
  • Om lêers na PDF-formaat om te skakel in MSWord v.2016 en later, kies opsie: 
    File  >>  Save as Adobe PDF  (*.pdf)
  • Gebruik die volgende formaat vir lêernaam "File name":
    bv. dutoit_12345678_2021.docx
  • Die meesterkopie van die tesis/proefskrif vir SUNScholar Research Repository moet in PDF-formaat by wyse van ʼn elektroniese proses ingelewer word.

  • Die verantwoordelikheid berus te alle tye by die student om seker te maak dat die dokument onveranderd gebly het nadat die omskakeling na PDF-formaat plaasgevind het.
  • Moet geen handtekening onderaan die verklaring aanbring nie. Tik slegs jou naam onderaan die verklaring. Die hele proses word elektronies van rekord gehou, as bewys dat alle partye volgens die beleid handel.
  • Moet asb. geen sekuriteite aan jou PDF-dokument koppel nie.

Microsoft Office365-sagteware
  • Microsoft Office365-sagteware is gratis beskikbaar aan alle geregistreerde studente van die Universiteit Stellenbosch.
  • Laai Office365 hier af.

  • ​Die LaTeX-sagteware kan direk van TexLive of MikTex by https://ctan.oeg/pkg/stellenbosch-2 afgelaai en geïnstalleer word.
  • Vind die US-titelbladtemplaat onder die DOC-gids.

Studieleier/promotor of administratiewe personeellid lewer elekronies in en aanvaar

SUNScholar is gereed om nominasies vir die Desember 2024-gradeplegtigheid te ontvang.

The nominasie van studente en die inlewering van tesisse en proefskrifte vind nou binne SUNStudent Academia se Thesis Management plaas.

Thesis Management kan onder die opskrif Examinations gevind word. Slegs die finale, gekorrigeerde tesis of proefskrif in PDF-formaat moet ingelewer word. Dit is die weergawe na afloop van eksaminering, nadat alle korreksies aangebring is.

Die gebruikersgids vir Thesis Management is beskikbaar in SUNStudent by​:

Om die proses op te som:

  1. Die finale dokument moet in PDF-formaat.
  2. Teken in op SUNStudent Academia.
  3. Kliek op Examinations, en kliek Thesis Management.
  4. Die studieleier/promotor of administratiewe personeellid nomineer die kandidaat.
  5. Maak gebruik van Remarks om die maand en jaar van graduering aan te dui.
  6. Die tesis/proefskrif word deur die studieleier/promotor of administratiewe personeellid gelaai.
  7. Die studieleier/promotor of administratiewe personeellid keur die ingelewerde dokument goed.
  8. The tesis/proefskrif sal na afloop van die gradeplegtigheid algemeen toeganklik wees via SUNScholar.

Weens sekuriteitsredes en die voortdurende opgradering van Thesis Management, sal die inlewering van tesisse en proefskrifte slegs deur die studieleier/promotor of administratiewe personeellid gedoen word.

Toegang tot SUNStudent kan soos volg bekom word:
  1. Kliek hier vir toegang tot SUNStudent Service Desk.
  2. Kies die 'user access management' blok om 'n versoek vir toegang te rig.

Publikasie van boeke/hoofstukke in boeke en kopiereg
Navrae m.b.t. kopiereg en die publikasie van boeke/hoofstukke in boeke as uitvloeisel van 'n tesis/proefskrif kan aan InnovUS gerig word.

Handtekening op deklarasie/verklaringsbladsy
Neem asb. kennis dat 'n handtekening nie langer benodig word nie, en dat die student slegs hul naam onderaan die verklaring kan tik. Die hele proses word elektronies van rekord gehou, as bewys dat alle partye volgens die beleid handel.

Die beleidsriglyne vir die inlewering van 'n kopie op SUNScholar is in die Universiteit Stellenbosch Jaarboek 2024 - Deel 1, Algemene inligting en reëls beskikbaar: Afdeling 5.7 vir tesisse en Afdeling 6.10.1 vir proefskrifte.

Sodra die tesis-/proefskrifinligting deur die SUNScholar-kantoor goedgekeur en verwerk is, sal die tesis/proefskrif via SUNScholar Research Repository algemeen toeganklik wees, op voorwaarde dat geen beperkinge geld nie.

SUNScholar enquiries & help:  E-pos  |  t: +27 21 808 9139 / 9046

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Content Type: sunpagecontent