​Departmental collections form part of the SU Library and Information Service group of libraries. These libraries are, however, not administered by the Library and Information Service but are only connected to the Service in terms of their collections of material.

All the existing departmental collections are situated at academic departments on the Stellenbosch campus and consist of books, journals and other sources of information. It is important to note, however, that the collections housed in these libraries are not the main collections for the subject fields they serve. Only selected items from the subject collections are housed here. The main collections of sources available to these subject fields are housed in the Stellenbosch University Library where a faculty librarian is allocated to serve each of the respective subject fields.

For information on the services, procedures and hours of these libraries, please contact them directly.

GG Cilliers Building, Faculty of Education, ground floor
Tel: + 27 21 808 2323

Although the reading room at the Department of Mathematics is not regarded as a departmental library it deserves mention as the main collection of mathematical journal titles of the Library and Information Service is housed in the reading room.
Tel: +27 21 808 3282

Military Academy 
Mr Gert Pieterse
Military Science, Saldanha
Tel: +27 22 702 3065

Merensky Building, Department of Physics, ground floor
Tel: +27 21 808 3391

Plant Pathology
Lombardi Building, Department of Plant Pathology, fourth floor, room 4025
Tel: +27 21 808 4799

Social Work
Arts Building, Department of Social Work, fourth floor
Tel: +27 21 808 2069

Bladsy Inhoud
Departementele versamelings vorm deel van die US Biblioteek- en Inligtingsdiens se groep biblioteke. Hierdie biblioteke word egter nie deur die Biblioteek- en Inligtingsdiens geadministreer nie. Dit is wel gekoppel aan die Biblioteek op grond van die materiaalversamelings.

Al die bestaande departementele versamelings word gehuisves in akademiese departemente op die Stellenboschkampus, en bestaan uit boeke, tydskrifte en ander inligtingsbronne. Dit is belangrik om daarop te let dat die versamelings wat in hierdie biblioteke gehuisves word nie die hoofversamelings is van die betrokke vakgebiede nie. Slegs geselekteerde items uit die vakversamelings word hier gehuisves. Die hoofversamelings van  bronne beskikbaar in hierdie vakgebiede word in die Universiteit Stellenbosch Biblioteek gehuisves, waar fakulteitsbibliotekarisse die onderskeie vakgebiede bedien.

Kontak asseblief die onderskeie biblioteke vir inligting oor die dienste, prosedures en diensure.

Me Sandra Josias 
Merensky-gebou, Departement Fisika, grondvloer
Tel: +27 21 808 3391

Maatskaplike Werk
Me Getrude Koopman
Lettere-gebou, Departement Maatskaplike Werk, 4de vloer
Tel: +27 21 808 2069

Militêre Akademie
Mnr Gert Pieterse
Krygskunde, Saldanha
Tel: +27 22 702 3065

Me Laurinda Kleynhans
GG Cilliers-gebou, Fakulteit Opvoedkunde, grondvloer
Tel: + 27 21 808 2323

Lombardi-gebou, Departement Plantpatologie, vierde vloer, kamer 4025
Tel: +27 21 808 4799

Alhoewel die leeskamer by die Departement Wiskunde nie beskou word as 'n departementele biblioteek nie, word dit ook hier genoem, aangesien die hoofversameling van wiskunde-tydskriftitels in die leeskamer gehuisves word.
Tel: +27 21 808 328
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