SmartStudent workshops
Date and booking
Create & Manage Course Reading Lists in SUNLearn for Lecturers [Library guide]
Online: MS Teams meeting
In person: E-ClassroomInstructor: Natasja Malherbe
Follow the link below to make a booking:
E-books workshop [Library guide]
Online: MS Teams meetingInstructors: Lucinda Raath & Marleen Hendriksz
Follow the link below to make a booking:
Find books or articles using the Library search engine or subject specific databases [Library guide]
Online: MS Teams meetingInstructors: Sarie Wilbers & Heila Mare
Find trustworthy information on Google and Google Scholar [Library guide]
Online: MS Teams meetingInstructors: Alvina Matthee & Lusanda Nyoka
Improving your literature search strategy [Library guide]
Online: MS Teams meetingInstructors: Judy Williams & Hanlie Strydom
Introduction to the Stellenbosch University Library Makerspace [Library guide]
Online: MS Teams meetingInstructors: Norman Hebler & Darryl Geldenhuys
Introduction to the Library [Library guide]
Online: MS Teams meetingInstructors: Kgabo Mogashoa & Glynis Kelly
Introduction to the responsible use of generative AI at University [Library guide]
Online: MS Teams meetingInstructors: Jeremiah Pietersen & Kgabo Mogashoa
Referencing 101 [Library guide]
Online: MS Teams meetingInstructors: Kirchner van Deventer & Letlao Seloma
SmartStudent werkswinkels
Datum en bespreking
Inleiding tot die verantwoordelike gebruik van generatiewe KI aan die Universiteit [Biblioteekgids]
Aanlyn: MS Teams Aanbieders: Jeremiah Pietersen & Kgabo Mogashoa
Inleiding tot die Biblioteek [Biblioteekgids]
Aanlyn: MS Teams Aanbieders: Kgabo Mogashoa & Glynis Kelly
Bou en bestuur Kursusleeslyste ('Course Reading Lists") vanuit SUNLearn vir Dosente [Biblioteekgids]
Aanlyn: MS TeamsAanbieder: Natasja Malherbe
Gebruik die skakels hier onder om te registreer:
E-boeke werkswinkel [Biblioteekgids]
Aanlyn: MS Teams Aanbieders: Lucinda Raath & Marleen Hendriksz
Inleiding tot die Universiteit Stellenbosch Innovasieruimte [Biblioteekgids]
Aanlyn: MS TeamsAanbieder: Norman Hebler
Verbeter jou strategie vir literatuursoektogte [Biblioteekgids]
Aanlyn: MS TeamsAanbieders: Judy Williams & Hanlie Strydom
Verwysings 101 [Biblioteekgids]
Aanlyn: MS TeamsAanbieders: Kirchner van Deventer & Letlao Seloma
Vind boeke en artikels deur middel van Library Search engine of vakspesifieke databasisse [Biblioteekgids]
Aanlyn: MS TeamsAanbieders: Sarie Wilbers & Heila Mare
Aanlyn: MS TeamsAanbieders: Alvina Matthee & Lusanda Nyoka
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