Africana consists of a collection of valuable books, pamphlets, maps, pictorial works and other items on sub-Saharan Africa, with specific focus on Southern African history.

The Collection

  • Africana books are mainly associated with sub-Saharan Africa and its history.
  • The collection preserves works dating from the 17th century, but is also continually augmented with new acquisitions reflecting current history.
  • The section strives to build a collection relevant to current academic research and collects works worthy of preserving for the future.
  • The comprehensive Africana collection available in this section today is largely based on the unique and valuable Hugh Solomon library which was bequeathed to Stellenbosch University in 1957. Hugh Ross Solomon (1876-1956) was a Johannesburg lawyer who for many years added to the Africana collection which he had inherited from his father, Sir Edward Philip Solomon.
“When we speak of Africana we mean to imply all those objects large and small, natural and man-made, that relate to the history of Africa and of Southern Africa in particular … More specifically, we think of Africana in terms of human settlement in the sub-continent – but always in terms of history and the living past.” (Adventures in Africana by Douglas Varley. Cape Town : University of Cape Town, 1949).

Focus areas

  • 18th- and 19th-century traveller’s journals and other early views of Africa.
  • African maps published before 1860.
  • All aspects of South African history.
  • History of Stellenbosch.
  • South African War 1899-1902 (Anglo-Boer War).
  • South African art and artists.
Bladsy Inhoud
Africana beskik oor ’n versameling waardevolle boeke, pamflette, kaarte, pikturale Africana en ander items oor Afrika suid van die Sahara, met spesifieke fokus op Suidelike Afrika.

Die Versameling

  • Africana-boeke word meestal geassosieer met Afrika suid van die Sahara en sy geskiedenis.
  • Dié onderafdeling bewaar materiaal wat vanaf die 17de eeu dateer, maar nuwe materiaal wat aktuele geskiedenis reflekteer, word ook op ’n gereelde basis aangeskaf.
  • Die omvattende Africana-versameling wat vandag gehuisves word, is grootliks gebaseer op die unieke en waardevolle Hugh Solomon-boekery wat in 1957 aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch bemaak is. Hugh Ross Solomon (1876-1956) was ’n Johannesburgse prokureur wat vir baie jare die Africana-versameling wat hy van sy vader, Sir Edward Philip Solomon geërf het, aangevul het.
"When we speak of Africana we mean to imply all those objects large and small, natural and man-made, that relate to the history of Africa and of Southern Africa in particular … More specifically, we think of Africana in terms of human settlement in the sub-continent – but always in terms of history and the living past.” (Adventures in Africana by Douglas Varley. Cape Town : University of Cape Town, 1949).


  • 18de- en 19de-eeuse reisverhale en ander vroeë blikke op Afrika.
  • Kaarte van Afrika voor 1860.
  • Alle aspekte van Suid-Afrikaanse geskiedenis.
  • Die geskiedenis van Stellenbosch.
  • Die Suid-Afrikaanse Oorlog 1899-1902 (Anglo-Boereoorlog).
  • Suid-Afrikaanse kuns en kunstenaars.
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