Oct 2007 [Afrikaans]

Universiteit Stellenbosch Biblioteek-en Inligtingsdiens   Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service

Dear Readers


With this issue of Bibnuus we are sharing, once again, some newsworthy items on developments and activities at the Library with you.  We also invite you to share your viewpoints and suggestions about the Library with us by means of the Library's new blog, BiBlog.


Lucia Schoombee (Editor)

Casual Day fun  

Librarians at the JS Gericke Library demonstrated spirit and generosity on Casual Day this year with entire divisions dressing up in theme to contribute to the fundraising cause.

In the photo (above) from left: Marie de Goede, Anna Kennedy, Elise Coetzee, Sheila Keet, Ivan Jacobs, Selma Kloppers and Paulette Talliard

Click on the images below to see other Library staff members in costume on casual day.

Feedback on focus group discussions

As a result of the quantitative LibQual library survey conducted in 2005, further research areas were investigated through qualitative research in the form of focus groups.


These matters were: (1) reasons for clients’ negative perception with regard to the quality of the library collection (information resources) (2) reasons for clients’ negative perception with regard to access to information resources.

The focus group discussions were conducted in March of this year and were facilitated by Marlize Smit and Debbie Human of the Department of Business Management.

Approximately 20 academic staff members and post-graduate students respectively took part in the discussions.

In general the feedback from the focus groups was positive and no major problem areas in terms of the quality of the library collection and access to information resources were found. Respondents did however indicate areas that they find frustrating and areas that could be improved.


It seems that concerns raised regarding the quality of the library collection (electronic and physical) and the access to the library collections by the previously conducted LibQUAL study were not the result of a few major issues, but rather related to a number of smaller aspects.

A result of the focus group discussions is that the Library has undertaken specific actions to address the concerns that were expressed by the participants.

A few examples of the planned actions are:

  • A survey across disciplines to identify possible shortcomings in the Library's collection regarding local (South African) publications related to issues of importance within the South African context.

  • An investigation into the possibility of the electronic delivery of articles requested through the interlibrary loan system.

  • Improvement of off-campus access to electronic resources.(Completed)

  • The development of a "how to" webpage to support client self-sufficiency with regard to finding resources, information and electronic services from the library website.

  • Focus on the offering of subject-specific curriculum related information skills programmes in faculties in order to integrate library training into specific modules.

The complete exposition of the identified shortcomings and the Library's proposed solutions are available on the Library's website at: http://www.lib.sun.ac.za/Fokusgroepe/feedback.htm



International visitors


The past two months, following the IFLA conference, has seen a steady flow of international visitors to the JS Gericke Library.

One of the visits that can be highlighted was that of Biddy Fisher, Head of Information Services, Sheffield Hallam University and member of the Executive Board of SCONUL, the UK Society of College, University and National Libraries who was accompanying her husband (the Secretary General of the Association of Commonwealth Universities) to the Stellenbosch University on Wednesday 5 September 2007.

In the photo (above) from left: Lucia Schoombee (SU), K Kekana (UWC), Sarah Kibirige (SU), Wynand van der Walt (UWC), Elda Nolte (SU), Pateka Ntshuntshe-Matshaya (UWC), Biddy Fisher (Sheffield), Ellen Tise (SU)

Other recent visitors to the JS Gericke Library included:

From Norway:
Frode Bakken, Director of the library at Telemark University College in Norway and former president of the Norwegian Library Association.
Helge Salvesen, Professor of history and Director of the University Library at the University of Tromsø in Norway and member of the board of the Norwegian Library Association.

From China:
A delegation from the National Library of China. The visit resulted from a Memorandum of Understanding between the Departments of Arts and Culture of the respective countries. The National Library of South Africa has subsequently signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Library of China.

From Finland:
Päivi Pekkarinen, National Medical Library of Helsinki.
Eeva Murtomaa, National Library of Finland.
Eila Ramo, Library of Arts and Design of Finland.

From Angola:
Two visitors from Angola, who have been tasked to set up libraries across Angola (an Academic Information Network) and to gather advice and best practice in South Africa:
Samuel Carlos Victorino (consultant to Dr Adao do Nascimento, the minister of Education in Angola) and Joaquim José Migueis.

From Kansas (USA):
Lorraine J Haricombe, Dean of Libraries, University of Kansas, Kansas.

From Kentucky (USA):
Kathleen RT Imhoff, Executive director, Lexington Public Library.


The Library expands its e-book collection

The Library and Information Service now provides access to a large number of electronic books on many subjects. Most are available in large collections which can be searched through the publisher's interface and the majority are individually catalogued in the Library catalogue.

In addition to the collections to which the Library subscribes, a few publically available e-book collections are also made available through the Library's e-books webpage at http://library.sun.ac.za/eng/finding/ez_books.html.

E-books are electronic versions of printed books and can be accessed by way of the internet.  Some e-books are also published exclusively in electronic format.

Access arrangements differ: some must be "checked out" to read, similar to borrowing a traditional printed book, others can simply be read by simply to the book.

E-books can be accessed by both on-campus and off-campus users. Off-campus clients will be prompted to log in with their SU campus network or portal username and password to access e-books.

The large collections of e-books that the Library makes available, include:

African Digital Library
Approximately 4000 electronic books, freely available. Mostly on the subject of management sciences.

Credo Reference
A collection of more than 250 reference books.

A large collection of academic e-books with a wide subject variety, including reference works.

Gale Virtual Reference Library
A collection of encyclopedias, calenders and specialised reference works. 

A number of the individual titles that are made available, include:
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
Oxford English Dictionary Online
Pharos Woordeboeke / Dictionaries
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP)
Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry
Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal (WAT)
World of Microbiology and Immunology, 1st Ed, 2V
Who's Who of Southern Africa

For more information or enquiries, please contact your faculty or branch librarian.

Encyclopædia Britannica Online





Encyclopædia Britannica Online is one of the electronic reference collections that has been made available by the Library.


This resource contains 73 000 articles, both short and book-length articles, on a great number of subjects.


Besides articles, Encyclopædia Britannica Online also contains sub-divisions and multimedia formats such as:

Video Collection (Video Clips)

World Atlas (Explore the world)

Compare Countries (Compare information about any two countries)

Timelines (Survey the past)

Year in Review Browse (Read about notable people and events)

World Data (Find country information and statistics)

Notable Quotations (Browse quotes by author or subject)

Encyclopædia Britannica Online can be accessed from the Library's website at:



Security sharpened at the JS Gericke Library

Library access control staff were obliged to don bright security waistcoats after a recent spate of thefts in the JS Gericke Library.

It is hoped that the new uniforms will serve as a deterrent to criminals as the bright overcoats will make the security patrols in the Library more visible.


Patrons are still cautioned however to keep their valuables on their persons at all times.

New books

New books are exhibited each week, for the duration of one week, in the JS Gericke Library (to the right of the Library entrance, close to the newspaper tables).  The books may be viewed and reserved at the Circulation Desk and are made available for loan the following week.


Elsevier's Scopus available for trial period

The Library has secured a trial period of one month for access to Scopus. 

Scopus, a product of Elsevier Publishing Co., is reputedly regarded as "the world's largest abstract and indexing database," spanning the full spectrum of science-technology-medicine (STM) literature plus more limited coverage of the social sciences.

The database is rivalled by Web of Science to which the Library already subscribes.

Staff members and students of the University are encouraged to test Scopus while it is available on trial and to please mail any comments to Marita Landsberg.

Bibnuus is published by the Library and Information Service.
We welcome your suggestions.  Please send an e-mail to
Lucia Schoombee.
Credit to: Sonja Badenhorst for the title banner.