

  • Spouses of SU staff members
  • Clergymen
  • Staff of Paul Roos Gymnasium
  • Part-time music students at the Department of Music
  • Certificate programme students at the Department of Music
  • Music teachers at Stellenbosch schools
  • Senior citizens, i.e. persons older than 60 years
  • Tutors of remedial education students
  • B.Ed. students of National Colleges (e.g. Lyceum College)
  • Donors
*Proof of address is required.


All libraries of the Library and Information Service are accessible free of charge subject to positive identification with a valid identification document (photo identification is essential).
​​See library hours.

Borrowing privileges

  • Secondary clients may borrow 3 items for 2 weeks and renew these twice, unless another client has requested the item.
  • Fines are charged for overdue items at 50c per item per day. The fine limit is R50-00. Borrowing privileges are suspended when this limit has been exceeded.
  • Items may be returned at any library of the Library and Information Service.
  • Reserving of books is free of charge and unlimited.
  • If an item has been lost or damaged, the replacement value will be payable to the Library and Information Service.

Material available for borrowing

All library material is available for borrowing, excluding journals, reference material, B.Th. theses, Bible commentaries, music recordings, sound recordings, music videos, vinyl recordings, music CDs and items marked “Not for loan” and “Restricted”.


​Electronic resources

Free self-help access is available to walk-in users only, in any of the libraries. Due to licensing agreements, access to some electronic resources is restricted to currently registered students and staff members of Stellenbosch University.


No internet access available on any computer in the libraries.

Finding books and articles

Search Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service and beyond via the SUNSEARCH search function.
Guidelines are available at Find, access and use information effectively: a step by step guide

Print, copy & scan

Cash facilities are unavailable at the Stellenbosch University Library during and due to the SU Library refurbishment project. At branch libraries cash facilities are provided at the lending desks. You are also able to print, copy or scan by using your student/staff card at Matie Copy & Print Shop that is situated in the Neelsie Student Centre. See Print, copy & scan for fees.
Bladsy Inhoud


  • Eggenotes van US-personeel
  • Geestelike leiers
  • Personeel van Paul Roos Gimnasium
  • Deeltydse musiekstudente van die Departement Musiek
  • Sertifikaatprogramstudente van die Departement Musiek
  • Musiekonderwysers by Stellenbosch-skole
  • Senior burgers, d.i. persone ouer as 60 jaar
  • Studieleiers van remediërende onderwysstudente
  • B.Ed. studente van Nasionale Kolleges (o.a. Lyceum Kollege)
  • Donateurs

*Bewys van adres word vereis.


Toegang tot alle biblioteke van die Biblioteek- en Inligtingsdiens is gratis, maar onderworpe aan 'n positiewe identifikasie deur middel van 'n geldige identiteitsdokument (foto-identifikasie is noodsaaklik).


  • Sekondêre kliënte mag 3 items uitneem vir 2 weke en dit twee maal hernu, tensy 'n ander kliënt die item bespreek het.
  • Boetes op boeke wat ná die vervaldatum terugbesorg word, is 50c per item per dag met 'n beperking van R50-00. Uitneemvoorregte sal opgehef word as hierdie grens oorskry word.
  • Items mag by enige biblioteek van die Biblioteek- en Inligtingdiens terugbesorg word.
  • Boeke kan gratis en sonder beperking bespreek word. Sien Bespreek boeke wat uitgeleen is.
  • Die vervangingswaarde van boeke wat verloor of beskadig word, moet aan die Biblioteek- en Inligtingsdiens betaal word.

Uitleenbare materiaal

Alle biblioteekmateriaal kan uitgeneem word, behalwe tydskrifte, naslaanmateriaal, B.Th.-tesisse, Bybelkommentare, musiek- en klankopnames, musiekvideo's, langspeelplate,musiek CD's en items wat “Not for loan” en “Restricted” gemerk is.


Elektroniese bronne

Gratis self-help toegang is beskikbaar binne enige van die biblioteke, slegs aan instapgebruikers. As gevolg van lisensie-ooreenkomste, is toegang tot sommige elektroniese bronne beperk tot studente en personeel wat tans by die Universiteit Stellenbosch geregistreer is.


Geen internet toegang by rekenaars in enige van die biblioteke nie.

Vind boeke en artikels

Soek Stellenbosch Universiteit Biblioteek en Inligtingsdiens en buite via the SUNSEARCH soekfunksie.
Aanwysings is beskikbaar by Find, access and use information effectively: a step by step guide.

Druk, kopieer & skandeer

Kontantfasiliteite is nie in die Universiteit Stellenbosch Biblioteek gedurende en as gevolg van die US Biblioteek se hernuwingsprojek beskikbaar nie. Jy kan ook druk, kopieer of skandeer deur jou studente-/personeelkaart by die Maties Copy & Print winkel in die Neelsie Studentesentrum te gebruik. Sien Druk, kopieer & skandeer vir die tariewe.
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