The main aim of the short loan service is to provide access to frequently used material for short periods to ensure that it is accessible to a large number of clients.

Course Reading Lists in SUNLearn

The Library and Information Service is converting all lists of short loan material to Course Reading Lists in SUNLearn, easily accessible to your students. Course Reading Lists enable you to build and manage your reading lists directly from within SUNLearn. Use Course Reading Lists to quickly and easily add diverse resource types, including the Library's print and electronic material, as well as class notes and resources from the web to your lists. Help the Library to convert the lists of short loan material to Course Reading Lists in SUNLearn by following these steps.

Start a new reading list

To start a brand new Course Reading List in SUNLearn, follow the 3 simple steps.

How to reserve material

  • Lecturing staff, or their assistants, provide all short loan material to the Short Loan Section.
  • All books should be accompanied by a completed reservation form.
  • Printed reservation forms are also available at the Short Loan Sections of the Stellenbosch University Library and the respective branch libraries.
  • Completed forms and material must be supplied to the Short Loan Section TWO DAYS prior to allow sufficient time for the processing of the material.

Recommended material for reservation

  • Only recommended reading material may be reserved.
  • Due to the need to limit the size of the division it is proposed that the “7 DAY LOAN" or “24 HOUR LOAN" facility be used instead.
  • Books may only be reserved for a specific course programme.
  • The short loan sections are not responsible for the replacement of stolen or lost short loan material.

Contact us

Stellenbosch University Library
Heidi Herandien  |  Tel: +27 21 808 4380

Yolelani Ningiza |  Tel: +27 21 808 4380

Branch Libraries
Engineering & Forestry
Medicine & Health Sciences

USBL (Bellville Park Campus Library)

Bladsy Inhoud
Die hoofdoel van die reserwediens is om vir kort periodes toegang tot materiaal wat dikwels gebruik word te verskaf, ten einde te verseker dat dit vir ’n groot groep kliënte toeganklik is.

Kursusleeslyste in SUNLearn

Die Biblioteek- en Inligtingsdiens is besig om die lyste met reserwemateriaal na Kursusleeslyste in SUNLearn, wat maklike toegang aan studente bied, om te skakel. Kursusleeslyste stel jou in staat om leeslyste direk binne SUNLearn te bou en te bestuur. Gebruik Kursusleeslyste om vinnig en maklik diverse materiaaltipes, insluitende die Biblioteek se gedrukte en elektroniese materiaal, asook klasnotas en webbronne by jou leeslys te voeg. Help die Biblioteek om die lyste met reserwemateriaal na Kursusleeslyste in SUNLearn om te skakel deur hierdie stappe te volg.

Begin 'n nuwe kursusleeslys

Om 'n nuwe Kursusleeslys in SUNLearn te begin, volg die 3 maklike stappe.

Hoe om materiaal te laat reserveer

  • Doserende personeel, of hul assistente, verskaf alle reserwemateriaal aan die afdeling.
  • Alle boeke moet deur 'n voltooide reserveringsvorm vergesel wees.
  • Gedrukte reserveringsvorms is ook by die Reserwe-afdelings van die Universiteit Stellenbosch Biblioteek en die onderskeie takbiblioteke beskikbaar.
  • Voltooide vorms en materiaal moet TWEE DAE voor die opdrag aan die Reserwe-afdeling verskaf word, om voldoende tyd toe te laat vir die prosessering van die materiaal.

Aanbevole leesmateriaal vir reservering

  • Slegs aanbevole leesmateriaal mag vir studente gereserveer word.
  • Weens die beperkte grootte van die afdeling word aanbeveel dat die 7-DAG-LEEN- of die 24-UUR-LEEN- fasiliteit gebruik word.
  • Boeke mag slegs vir 'n spesifieke program en slegs vir die duur van die program gereserveer word.
  • Die reserwe afdelings is nie verantwoordelik vir die vervanging van gesteelde of verlore reserwe materiaal nie.

Kontak ons

Universiteit Stellenbosch Biblioteek
Heidi Herandien  |  Tel: + 27 21 808 4380

Yolelani Ningiza |  Tel: +27 21 808 4380

Ingenieurswese & Bosbou
Geneeskunde & Gesondheidswetenskappe



USBB (Bellvilleparkkampusbiblioteek)

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